Developing Social Emotional Skills Through Sports

Weekly Futsal For Youth of Sunbeam Place @ Children’s Society

1 Feb 2019

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Innerstar and our programme partner, SportCares, have kicked-off a weekly futsal session for youth from Sunbeam Place @ Children’s Society. We believe that playing team sports is an excellent way for youth to stay fit and healthy, expend their energy in a productive way as well as develop social and emotional skills.

The futsal sessions will be conducted by a qualified football coach from SportCares. The coach will train the youth on football skills as well as engage the youth to develop teamwork, communication, sportsmanship and resilience. Well done to the coaches from SportCares!

We look forward to rolling out more sports programmes to the youth at Sunbeam Place @ Children’s Society as well as bringing this programme to other Homes. If you are looking for a sports programme for a Home, contact us at

To find out more about Singapore Children’s Society, please click here.

To find out more about SportCares, please click here.