What a Fantastic and Fulfilling Day at the Coding + Robotics Workshop!
Coding + Robotics Workshop at Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home
12 Jan 2019
Our programme partner ripplecreate together with our newly-trained volunteers, taught the children at Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home block programming to ready their Mbots for a football challenge!
The children learnt how to code to maneuver their Mbots, as well as to customise the lights and sound on their Mbots.
The football challenge welcomed eight teams of robotic-coding enthusiasts and the children had a great time competing.
The workshop’s aim is to raise awareness and build interest in coding. Innerstar is committed to supporting children who are passionate in coding through a longer term programme.
Thank you Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home, ripplecreate, all our volunteers, and donors! The children had alot of fun, and so did we!